Our lawyers and accountants can manage all defense measures provided not only by the Italian law, but also by EU regulations and conventions.

Every year, about 100 billion Euro among IRES, IRAP, IRPEF or VAT result as uncollected by the Tax Authorities.

The mix of tax avoidance and public debt (which is constantly increasing) forces Italian Tax Authorities to carry out more and more frequent and in-depth inspections, through the administrative means provided by current regulation. Similarly, collection activities by the same Tax Authorities are increasingly more aggressive and are constantly enhanced.

The strengthening of activities aimed at recovering the tax gap (inspections, assessments and collection), in combination with a tax system characterized by regulations which are difficult to interpret and apply, has led to an enormous increase in tax litigation procedures in recent years.

This is proved by the fact that about 40% of appeals registered with the Supreme Civil Court of Cassation concern tax issues.

The professionalism and interdisciplinary perspective of business consultants are crucial to properly apply legal defence measures for tax litigation and pre-litigation procedures, in order to find an amicable settlement of possible disputes.

Among these defence measures, the management of “tax risk” is also related to the evaluation of tax compliance.

Therefore, in such a context, the prevention of tax risk is important as much as the correct management of pre-litigation and tax litigation with the Tax Authorities, in order to safeguard the clients’ property and ensure the observance of their economic, financial, corporate and group plans.

Such sensitive issues require the assistance by professionals with specialized and proven skills, together with a multi-year experience in the management of relationships with Tax Authorities.

Our solutions

  • Prevention and management of tax risk
  • Defense against inspections, assessments, and collection
  • Collection of tax and ancillary credit