Despite the application of specialized software, manual activities still play a very important role in companies. In fact, many activities are performed through specialized software and implementing complex integration software is not always easy or convenient. Moreover, there is still a considerable production of paper documents, which must be manually uploaded into systems (so-called data entry).

Based on the Automation Anywhere suite (link), we realized some automations, called BOT, able to emulate human behaviour and perform activities that can hardly be implemented with classic software development techniques.

Our “BOT Farm” can rely on digital workers able to help clients in routine activities, allowing employees to deal with more added-value activities.

The sophistication level of our BOT allows them to be able to autonomously identify, among activities carried out by users, those that can be automated.

A further automation area concerns electronic invoicing and storage. Our solutions can meet all clients’ needs in the management of sales and purchase invoices, both at domestic or international level.