Robust and commercial valuation advice

For organisations involved in a transaction or a dispute, or embarking on restructuring, the value of the business involved and its assets is always an important commercial consideration. A robust and reasoned opinion on value is essential. For litigants, a professional valuation is often the key to securing a fair settlement.


Our solutions

Our valuations team works with individuals, companies, governments, wealth funds and private equity companies to deliver essential valuation support during transactions and disputes.

In addition, we provide advice in support of financial reporting and tax planning in relation to the valuation of complex financial instruments and tangible and intangible assets.

Bid support

We deliver bid support services throughout the acquisition process and are committed to adding value at every stage.


An independent view on value for mergers, acquisitions, restructuring and proposed financial structures.


Our team provide third-party valuations to enable directors to meet their fiduciary duties and to support proposed tax treatments.

Share option schemes

We have specialist experience in structuring and valuing share options for employees and directors.

Fund administration

Our specialists provide third-party valuations for investment funds to support periodic reporting of net asset values or to enable the transfer of assets.

Financial reporting

We get valuations to help consolidate newly acquired businesses into group accounts, including breaking out recognisable intangible assets from goodwill.

Valuations to support asset-backed lending decisions

We provide valuations to support asset-backed financing, including valuing shares and intangible assets, and providing periodic valuations of assets to confirm that the terms of the loan agreement are being met.

Dispute resolution

We offer valuation support for breach of contract, intellectual property disputes, negligence, lost opportunity, matrimonial disputes or where an expert determination is required. We act as advisers or independent experts, giving evidence in courts or at arbitration tribunals.