Event closed

On Wednesday 11 April 2018, a conference discussing the business opportunities deriving from the new GDPR will be held in Milan.

The New Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation) concerning privacy will definitively come into force on 25 May 2018 and will introduce many significant changes.

The conference will try to clarify what are the main changes introduced by the new GDPR, what processes and procedures will have to be implemented in order not to incur onerous fines, and what are benefits and risks related to data security within cybersecurity and privacy in marketing.

Renato Sesana, partner of Grant Thornton Financial Advisory Services, will take part in the conference, talking about the implementation of the new GDPR to create value.

Renato Sesana The implementation of the new GDPR to create value

Asseprim Confcommercio Milano
  • Sala Colucci
  • Unione Confcommercio
  • C.so Venezia - 47, Milano
Tel: +39 02 7750452 Contact: