תמונה של אילוסטרציה

“Conciliamo” - call for submission of funding requests

The Presidency of the Council of Ministers – Department for family policies issued the new edition of the so-called “Conciliamo” call for the submission of funding requests, aimed at promoting initiatives that foster corporate welfare and incentivizing the development of projects that could have a positive impact on workers’ quality of life and on companies’ profitability.

Admitted applicants

Companies under articles 2082 and 2083 of the Italian Civil Code, as well as consortiums and groups of associated and subsidiary companies can submit a funding request, even as an association. The total budget for the funding is equal to Euro 74.000.000.

Beneficiaries of the funding

The beneficiaries of the project are the following applicant’s subordinated employees:

  • Employees under a permanent employment contract
  • Employees under a fixed-term employment contract
  • Employees under a part-time employment contract
  • Executives included

The following are so included:

  • Members employed by cooperatives
  • Agency workers
  • Employees under a temporary collaboration contract provided that the nature and application of the working relationship is in line with the type and term of the actions proposed in the funding request.

Funding amount

Minimum and maximum funding amounts that can be requested for each project initiative are calculated basing on the number of employees. The applicants must contribute to the cost of the project with a co-financing calculated as a percentage of the total amount requested, or as human resources, assets and services made available by the applicant that can be quantified in the above percentage.



Project proposals

Project proposals need to include actions to address one or more of the following work-life balance objectives:

  • birth rate growth
  • rebalance of care loads between men and women
  • increase female employment
  • contrast the neglect of the elderly
  • support of families with people with disabilities
  • healthcare

The proposals shall include the continuation and/or the development of actions already implemented and/or the introduction of new corporate welfare actions within the working environment and in the relevant organisation.