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Budget law 2021

On 30 December 2020, the Italian Parliament definitively approved Budget Law 2021 (Law no. 178/2020 published on ordinary supplement n. 46 of Official Gazette no. 322 dated 30 December 2020).

The year-end law, which became effective on 1st January 2021, was inevitably impacted by the emergency situation and, with reference to labour issues, it mainly includes provisions aimed at extending the measures for the safeguard of employment and of the economic and financial sustainability of businesses.

Below is an explanation of the main labour updates introduced starting from 2021, also in relation to the provisions under Law Decree no. 183/2020 (so-called “Milleproroghe” decree), under Law no. 176/2020 (Conversion law of the so-called “Ristori” decrees approved in succession in 2020), and under the previous law dispositions. The explanation below does not claim to be exhaustive and the necessary interpretations, to be provided by the competent authorities, are still awaited.

For more information, download the PDF.