On 19 July, a conference will be held at the Roll of Chartered Accountants in Padua to discuss the main tax and legal issues related to the circulation of works of art, analyzing its most critical issues but also the possible safeguarding measures provided by the regulation and the related benefits.

Alessandro Grassetto - partner at Bernoni Grant Thornton, as well as domestic coordinator for the tax commission and for international relationships of the Roll of Chartered Accountants in Padua - will introduce and moderate the conference.

Alessandro Grassetto Grant Thornton Partner & coordinator for the tax commission and for international relationships of the Roll of Chartered Accountants in Padua

Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili di Padova
  • Via Gozzi 2/G
  • Padova, 35131
Tel: 049 651894 Contact: