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Reform of regulated professions

Italian professional companies: open issues

Giuseppe Bernoni Giuseppe Bernoni

The norms implementing the professional company in Italy paved the way to new possibilities of doing business for professionals. Some points have already been clarified – from the assigning and performance of a professional engagement, to the participation in a professional company, to the registration in the professional roll – whereas other are still pending.

The opportunities for the professions have changed with the introduction of the new professional companies with the 2012 Stability Law. It actually abrogated both the obligation for professionals working together to be organised in professional firms and the explicit prohibition to adopt the corporate form.

The implementing regulation (Ministerial Decree n. 34/2013), entered into force on 23 April 2013, defined the norms regulating professional companies, particularly:

  • the assigning and performance of professional engagements;
  • the participation in a professional company;
  • the registration in the professional roll and the relevant regulation.

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